Odd sitemap behaviour

I'm having an odd problem with a site I'm developing. I have a page on the top level called 'Boats', then I have 5 pages under this one.

However, these pages show up on the main level in the url - one should be /boats/rower, but shows up as /rower . I tried moving them around in the sitemap, deleted them and adding them back, I still get the same thing.

My problem with this is that the Header Nav doesn't give the nav-selected class for Boats. I'm also getting some weird index.php?cID=xxx urls when I have pretty urls on.

I should note that I have put a few other C5 sites on this server without ever running into these problems, and this is the first time I've ever had this happen. This site started out as 5.4.0 but is now It's located athttp://hollisbartlett.com/wip/bigbayboats/... .

Any hints would be appreciated.
