Ola News(?) add-on - not publishing

Pretty new to Concrete5.

We have a news feature. Presumably it is facilitated via an add-on.

I see on my Functionality dashboard that I have a package called Ola News, but I do not know for sure that that is the news add-on I want - the one I'm actually having problems with. I don't know how to tell what add-on I'm am currently in when editing a news item.

Let's assume it's this Ola News.

I've made changes to a published news item. They do not show up in the public site. My changes are still there when I go back to edit the news item. I don't find any versioning or permissions information anywhere regarding news releases.

Attached are three screenshots showing the main interface for editing news items and then actually editing the news item, and finally, the published page, showing no formatting whatsoever.

Other pages *do* have forammting, but attempts to edit them also are fruitless.

3 Attachments
