Old RSS/SSL error appearing
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"Unable to enable crypto on TCP connection toshitimes.com: make sure the "sslcafile" or "sslcapath" option are properly set for the environment."
error message when adding an RSS block. using "http" or "//" does not help as it gets redired to "https".
on 8.4.0a1
This was an old issue (https://www.concrete5.org/community/forums/5-7-discussion/rss-feed-to-https-feed.-getting-error/#743515), but I never saw an answer to that problem.
FYI, changing app.php to (assuming you have certs there)
'sslcafile' => '/etc/ssl/certs/',
'sslcapath' => 'ca-certificates.crt',
and/or concrete/vendor/zendframework/zend-http/src/Client/Adapter/Socket.php
or adding
SetEnv sslcapath /etc/ssl/certs/
SetEnv sslcafile ca-certificates.crt
to apache config does not do anything
"Unable to enable crypto on TCP connection toshitimes.com: make sure the "sslcafile" or "sslcapath" option are properly set for the environment."
error message when adding an RSS block. using "http" or "//" does not help as it gets redired to "https".
on 8.4.0a1
This was an old issue (https://www.concrete5.org/community/forums/5-7-discussion/rss-feed-to-https-feed.-getting-error/#743515), but I never saw an answer to that problem.
FYI, changing app.php to (assuming you have certs there)
'sslcafile' => '/etc/ssl/certs/',
'sslcapath' => 'ca-certificates.crt',
and/or concrete/vendor/zendframework/zend-http/src/Client/Adapter/Socket.php
or adding
SetEnv sslcapath /etc/ssl/certs/
SetEnv sslcafile ca-certificates.crt
to apache config does not do anything

one way to fix is create a new feed using RSSMIX.COM. These seem to work (probably) because RSSMIX does not enforce SSL but can read SSL (but the data is not updated)
⚠ Yeh, just revive a old ghost.
No, joking.
I'll thought this was not a problem with C5 8.3.2 and some good hoster
No, joking.
I'll thought this was not a problem with C5 8.3.2 and some good hoster
This has been reposted for 8.4.0rc2 as well
I don't know if you've solved the problem, but you can edit
"./concrete/vendor/zendframework/zend-http/src/Client/Adapter/Socket.php" file and find:
note: there is a config called 'sslverifypeer', change that to false
I don't know if you've solved the problem, but you can edit
"./concrete/vendor/zendframework/zend-http/src/Client/Adapter/Socket.php" file and find:
/** * Parameters array * * @var array */ protected $config = array( 'persistent' => false, 'ssltransport' => 'ssl', 'sslcert' => null, 'sslpassphrase' => null, 'sslverifypeer' => true, 'sslcafile' => null, 'sslcapath' => null, 'sslallowselfsigned' => false, 'sslusecontext' => false
Viewing 15 lines of 16 lines. View entire code block.
note: there is a config called 'sslverifypeer', change that to false