On a PC up to date, on minimac a former version is shown. Why?

I have updated my webpage plenty of times recently over the last few days. I am a concrete beginner, learning fast (i hope)
However I found that in both browsers (Firefox and Safari) an old version of the website is displayed even after clearing the cache of both browsers, several attempts at reloads etc.
Have I missed something or is something amiss?

look athttp://www.cantate-thanet.co.uk

mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
Have you cleared the concrete5 cache as well? While you are developing your site, it's best to turn off the concrete5 caching altogether under 'Dashboard->System and Settings' Under 'Optimization' click Cache and Speed Settings and make sure that at least the Basic Caching is OFF and then clear the concrete5 cache under 'Optimization'.

Also, I make sure all the caches are turned off (set to zero days of history and 0M of storage) In IE, go to 'Internet Options->General Tab->Browser History->Settings' and set it to load a new page 'Every time I visit a webpage'.

Hitting CTRL-F5 as well will force a complete reload - usually but css and js files are sometimes stubborn so I turn all the caches off to save my sanity.