Only one 'Page Type' option

I have c5 set up on my own web host, and I was reading through some of the How-Tos, and saw that in them, there was more than one 'Page Type' option offered when a new page was created; for some reason, mine only shows one. I signed up for a demo to see if maybe something was wonky with my computer or if maybe the how-tos were lying to me, and sure enough, there were four page type options in there. I have the current version of c5 installed (I mean, I just downloaded it yesterday), so I don't know what the problem is.

Because I'm crazy and anal, I attached a screen-shot of the options I'm shown when I go to create a new page.

Any help would be absolutely wonderful and insanely appreciated! Thanks so much, and have a lovely day! =D

1 Attachment

jordanlev replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Every site can be configured to have any number of page types, so either 3 of the 4 original page types were removed, or you installed a theme that only provides one page type (or maybe you installed the site without "sample content", which I can't remember exactly but may not give you all the page types either).

If the theme you're using has templates for more page types, you can go to Dashboard -> Pages and Themes, then click the "Inspect" button next to your site's current theme, and then there should be a button you can click to install the other themes. But if only a single item appears on that page (which would be called "Page", based on your screenshot), then it means the theme you're using only offers a single page type... so you need to use a different theme (or if you are familiar with HTML/CSS, you could modify the theme to give you more, check out the documentation and how-tos).

Hope that helps!
kasmores replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks so much! I was actually twiddling around in the dashboard and figured it out (not sure how exactly...), but yeah, this is definitely helpful for having some actual know-how for maybe what I did. ;)