Oops, it looks like you've entered an invalid feed address!

I'm really battling here!
We've got a RSS feed block on my home page for our twitter feed and it just stopped working. I've double checked the feed and it works perfectly in my RSS reader.

The feed ishttp://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/360branding.rss...

Can anybody advise what I should do? I don't understand HTML.


sniggitysnax replied on at Permalink Reply
What is the url for your site? And, just to start at the beginning, you checked to be sure that the fullhttp://yoururlhere.com/feeds was input correctly?
pschmitt replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi & thanks!
Site ishttp://www.tribalfish.net
Appreciate your help!
sniggitysnax replied on at Permalink Reply
What is the url for your site? And, just to start at the beginning, you checked to be sure that the fullhttp://yoururlhere.com/feeds was input correctly?