Own theme, text format dissapears.

Hi, I have created my own theme and have started adding content and can add text but as soon as I change the font size or colour it dissapears and just displays a red dotted box with no contents in edit mode. Any help in resolving this will be greatly appreciated as I have spent a lot of time creating my own theme and tweaking it.


LucasAnderson replied on at Permalink Reply
We're going to need more information. Anything you can provide will help us help you. Right now, it could be hundreds of things. Please provide screenshots, links, copies of your theme, etc...
JackRoyleMBS replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Sorry for the lack of details.
I am using version
I have created a video showing the problem, it can be viewed herehttp://www.madisonbusinesssolutions.co.uk/single_pages/problem.htm...

Note the unchanged text "Text One" displays fine but when I change the font size on "Text Two" the text doesnt appear.

I have attatched a zipped folder containing my theme, apologies for what I expect is going to be poor coding, this is my first theme.

Again, any help is much appreciated!

Thanks Jack
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
Can you see if the content is actually not getting outputted to the page source, or if it IS getting outputted but some kind of style rule is making it look invisible (hides it or sets its color to the same as the background or sets its height really small, etc.)?

If you're not familiar with Firebug (a firefox plugin), you should definitely install that right away as it is the best tool ever for figuring out html/css/javascript issues. For example, you can right-click on a page element and choose "inspect element" and it will show you the spot in your source where the html is for that, and also show all of the css style rules that are affecting it.

JackRoyleMBS replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, Thanks Jordan,
Im 99% certain the content isnt being output, I have right clicked to view page source and used ctrl f to search for the word that should be displayed and found nothing. I am not familiar with firebug but have just downloaded it, looks like it could be useful, not sure how it can help with this matter though.

Here is a link to an offending page.
This page should contain the word "Tarantula" in the main light grey area.


jordanlev replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
You're going to want to actually view the source of the page and search for the text there -- otherwise it's possible that it's being hidden by the CSS so it won't come up in a search of the page itself (but it would show up in the "view source" or "page source" or whatever it's called in your browser).

That being said, it's unlikely that this is the problem. I just looked at your typography.css file and noticed that you have some customization comments (e.g. "/* customize_p */") around some things that it doesn't work with -- for example, you have it around a margin-bottom in the "p" section, and around text-decoration in the "a" section. Unfortunately, Concrete5 only provides support for color and font -- not any other styles. So this might be causing the problem as well. Try removing all of those comments from the typography.css file and see if that helps.

Another thing to try is when you're in the WYSIWYG editor for the content block, click the little "HTML" button in the toolbar and see what source it's generating for the one that's not working. Perhaps it is something weird or something that's getting overridden somehow?

A third thing to try is just publish taht page and see if the content appears. I sometimes have problems with content not appearing properly when I first add it to a page, but when I publish the page (or even preview it), it looks fine.

Hope this helps.
JackRoyleMBS replied on at Permalink Reply
Problem resolved. Thanks for all your advice, it has been very helpful. After a lot of playing around changing css etc and still not resolving the issue I decided to install the theme onto a fresh install of c5 and it worked, so I have completely reinstalled c5 on my server and am now able to get on progessing with the website :)