Page Defaults

I am new to Concrete5 and love it so far. I wasn't sure where to post this but thought I'd start here.

Either I'm doing something wrong or maybe this could be considered in the next update...

When I set up a page default after I already have pages added, the page doesn't update to what is on the page default I select for the page. In other words, it seems as though I need to create the page default FIRST with everything I can think of I want on it then create my pages. Is this correct?

If that is how it works, it would be great to be able to be able to set up a default after pages are created then have the pages automatically update with what is on the selected default. It doesn't look like that is the case now.

I had pages already created with a certain page type. Then I set up a default with that page type. When I look at my page, it did not update it. So now I have to delete all my pages and start over. This means if I forget one thing on my default page and I start creating pages, I can't change the default because it will not update any pages I have already set up.

Thanks for any input.

shadowcomputers replied on at Permalink Reply
You would not really want to have previously created pages / content to be overwritten with updates to a page default. I expect this is why this happens.

To add content to your existing pages, you might want to consider adding the block(s) to your scrap book and pasting them in from their.
This will help save time creating the blocks from scratch on each page.

Another thing you might want to do if you are creating templates is to add the content to the Global Scrapbook and give it a useful name.
Then you only need to add a couple lines of PHP to the template and it shows on every page.
To do this use the following code:
$c = Block::getByName('My_Block_Name');
if($c && !empty($c->bID)) $c->display();

Please note that if the block requires any JavaScript or Style Sheets to make the block work, these will not be added to the page.
rwcomm replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you. I was trying it and was still a little confused. Another post said to set up on child pages. I did that and it worked. So I think I'll go with that. Thank you for your help. Have a great day!
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
After adding a block, click on it and click "Setup on Child Pages"
rwcomm replied on at Permalink Reply
How simple. Thank you...thank you...thank you so much. Have a great day!
spencerhudson replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Wonderful that "Setup on Child Pages" is exactly what i was looking for