Page List Error

I am running version When I attempt to add this add-on I am getting the following error message

An unexpected error occurred. mysql error: [1048: Column 'includeAllDescendents' cannot be null] in EXECUTE("INSERT INTO btPageList (bID,num,orderBy,cParentID,cThis,paginate,displayAliases,ctID,rss,rssTitle,rssDescription,truncateSummaries,displayFeaturedOnly,truncateChars,includeAllDescendents) VALUES (1005,0,'display_asc',191,1,0,1,0,0,'','',0,0,0,NULL)") < Back to Home

Any ideas as to why this is happening?

looee replied on at Permalink Reply
I am also getting this error. I can't find a way round it.

"An unexpected error occurred. mysql error: [1048: Column 'cParentID' cannot be null] in EXECUTE("INSERT INTO btPageList (bID,num,orderBy,cParentID,cThis,paginate,displayAliases,ctID,rss,rssTitle,rssDescription,truncateSummaries,displayFeaturedOnly,truncateChars,includeAllDescendents) VALUES (1030,0,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,0,NULL)") < Back to Home"

Did you ever fix it?
MissMarvels replied on at Permalink Reply
Got identical error, any fixes yet?
savan replied on at Permalink Reply
You should try by editing in database and make the field "includeAllDescendents" in table "btPageList" , make NULL to yes and try it.

Hope that helps
CapntainSlow replied on at Permalink Reply
I got the same error too. Does somebody has a solution yet?

Savan, I tried to do like you said, but I can't fing the table "btPageList", and I can't find "include AllDescendents" in any file. Could you maybe give something of a step by step explanation?

I would like to fix this.
savan replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment

Sorry for late reply, I am not sure you have sorted out this issue or not but this table should be there see the attachment for it.
And this is not to be in any file but this is in DATABASE.

Let me know still if any issue.
CapntainSlow replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, sorted it out two days ago thanks to c5mix. Just refreshed the database and now it works.
alexaalto replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello CapntainSlow,

Can you let me know how to "refresh the database"? Is this something you ran via Concrete5 or something you did via a mysql command prompt (or other tool like phpMyAdmin)?

I have the exact same issue but don't have direct access to the database at the moment.

Thanks in advance!

alexaalto replied on at Permalink Reply
FYI: I managed to get access to the database and changed the "includeAllDescendents" column to allow NULLs and it seems to work now.

