Page Not Found Error When Editting a Page
I am trying to make a simple edit to a page (correcting a misspelled word). When I try to save the edit, I get the error in the attached screen shot. I am able to edit content on other pages, just not this one. I emptied the cache and tried again. I got the same error. Does anyone have any thoughts? Here is the page on the live site I was trying to edit - The edit I was trying to make was correcting the spelling of Farbic to Fabric under the Manufacturing section. Does anyone have any thoughts?
Found this... not sure if it helps yet:
I ended up recreating the page, but it looks like this is a great solution for the future. thanks!
It doesn't happen to every page on the site, only this page, I have even tried deleting it and readding it, removing pretty urls, clearing caches, rebuilding databases.. nothing seems to work??