Page Not Found Error When Editting a Page

I am trying to make a simple edit to a page (correcting a misspelled word). When I try to save the edit, I get the error in the attached screen shot. I am able to edit content on other pages, just not this one. I emptied the cache and tried again. I got the same error. Does anyone have any thoughts? Here is the page on the live site I was trying to edit - The edit I was trying to make was correcting the spelling of Farbic to Fabric under the Manufacturing section. Does anyone have any thoughts?

1 Attachment

BHWW replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Did you ever solve this, i'm getting the exact same issue.

It doesn't happen to every page on the site, only this page, I have even tried deleting it and readding it, removing pretty urls, clearing caches, rebuilding databases.. nothing seems to work??


BHWW replied on at Permalink Reply
jmlitch99 replied on at Permalink Reply
I ended up recreating the page, but it looks like this is a great solution for the future. thanks!