Page Type Block Edits Divorces Blocks from Making Global Edits Upgrade

Another Wonderful Problem from Upgrading to from 5.5.

I can no longer edit existing Blocks on Page Types and have them change pages created using the page type. Editing any block will divorce linked blocks and not allow global editing. Of course this all worked fine before the upgrade. I have hundreds of product pages that I can no longer update. The block is originally pink and then turns red after editing the page type default. This is a killer for me and would appreciate any help in correcting.

mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
Perhaps In over-simplifying this but are you talking about the 'Setup on Child Pages' function in the Page Type defaults'?
MrGrowBizz replied on at Permalink Reply
mhawke, thanks much for your interest in helping. No, this is in regards to editing blocks in a page type (default). I have page type templates that were created for product types, not trying to add a block, but to edit one that already exists. The actual pages generated from the page type template show the block with a pink border as does the page type and both indicate it's a global block (which it was). If I edit the block in the page type default, the block border turns red in both the page type and the linked pages (no longer global) and the changes do not occur. This is all contrary to the way it did work and all the current messages during edit that says it will occur. Hope this helps and I have not lost a piece of my brain on this. Thx
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm going to let someone with more history with C5 pipe in here. I came in with 5.5 when scrapbooks were superseded by stacks and the disappearance of the global scrapbook so I don't have the experience to help, sorry. I'm sure others will step up.
jasteele12 replied on at Permalink Reply
I think this forum thread may answer you questions:

Since they are global, you need to edit them from the dashboard -> stacks, or you are disconnecting the area (basically saying you want to override it on that page or page type).

Hope that helps,

MrGrowBizz replied on at Permalink Reply
John, Thanks much for your support. Don't believe we are talking about the same. The global areas on the page type, which still indicate they are global areas until I save an edit, worked in 5.5.02 and prior. I would hate to think that the C5 team intentionally broke the pipe on this?
jasteele12 replied on at Permalink Reply
I suggest trying editing them only in the dashboard -> stacks.

I believe (although I can't test at the moment) that if you edit them elsewhere it warns you that you are disconnecting (overriding) it.
Ekko replied on at Permalink Reply
After your done editing the blocks in page type defaults you need to than tell c5 to make those changes to already exisiting pages. So when your done editing a block in page type defaults click the block you just edited again and select the option setup on child pages. This will then give you a list of all the pages that use the page type and you can check off which pages should be changed.

All pages that have an instance of the block you updated via "setup on child pages" will update to the new one, and all the ones that dont have it will get one if you selected it from the setup list.

*Its sometimes better to add those blocks into stacks and than add them to page type defaults as its easy to forget which pages need an update. If you use a page type specifically for a "products page" or what not than you dont have to remember anything and using blocks is just fine (especially if you already have a large amount stacks)