Master Page Type Content Not Updating Position,
I create content, and setup on Child Pages, all works fine.
I decide I would like the Image I have added placed above the Content Block I have just added, so in the Defaults Page Type I move the Content and hit Save.
This move is not passed on to the children.
Once moved I Click the moved Block> Setup on Child Pages
then I get this error
Fatal error: Call to a member function getInstance() on a non-object in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 137
I have even tried, taking the block, removing from all child pages, then moving the block then re-adding the block to all child pages, but doing so the Block is added at the bottom of the page not in the location of the new area?
In order for this to work correctly I need to create a new Block and add them in the order I wish them to be displayed?
Has anyone else experienced this?
I decide I would like the Image I have added placed above the Content Block I have just added, so in the Defaults Page Type I move the Content and hit Save.
This move is not passed on to the children.
Once moved I Click the moved Block> Setup on Child Pages
then I get this error
Fatal error: Call to a member function getInstance() on a non-object in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 137
I have even tried, taking the block, removing from all child pages, then moving the block then re-adding the block to all child pages, but doing so the Block is added at the bottom of the page not in the location of the new area?
In order for this to work correctly I need to create a new Block and add them in the order I wish them to be displayed?
Has anyone else experienced this?
Yeah, those Page Defaults can be a nightmare! I usually ask myself whether the end user will ever need to edit those blocks. If not, then I always hard code them into my page type files. If they do, then you just have to really careful how you edit them. I think with just editing a block, you're usually ok with just removing it from all child pages first, then editing, the re-setting up on child pages. Not sure with moving. Might need to actually delete and re-add the blocks...
Deselecting all child pages, confirming that, and reselecting all child pages again, helps to get changes applied.
This worked for me! I've been worrying this problem for weeks now. Thanks for the tip.
Same problem here. It's driving me nuts!
Positions of blocks on page type defaults are not same as on pages build based on this type.
Okapi - your advice is also not working... :(
Positions of blocks on page type defaults are not same as on pages build based on this type.
Okapi - your advice is also not working... :(
The new 5.5 introduces stacks and this helps solve this problem
Should these be done in the Page Type or should I be creating these blocks in the actual site theme files