Page Types

Hi All,

I need help. I've been at this for hours. I've read every post on this and nothing is working. I absolutely cannot change my page types.

I'm using the newest version of C5. The admin shows several pages types (I've added many) but it seems only one is being used - the one with the right side bar. I am using the super admin (it's the only user!), all permissions check out fine, I've cleared the cache and edited Cache & Speed Settings (Off - Good for development). The theme I was using has a full page type (correctly coded as far as I can tell with no side bar). I've changed the theme back to the default and still cannot change the page type! Why can't I change my page types or create a page type that does NOT have a right side bar??

Since I can't do this through the admin - how about adding/changing one manually? If I knew how/where to add a page type by creating it manually and uploading via FTP that might help but I have no idea where these page types are kept. I have searched the folders and can only see one page type - the blog_entry.php. How can I set this right? I'm pulling my hair out here!!!

I'm happy to create a temporary user if one of you would be kind enough to help. I wouldn't ask but I'm at the end of my rope.

Thanks in advance.

tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
I can help. PM me an admin login and a url and I'll take a look.
tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
the pages for the grain theme are in site_root > packages > grain > themes > grain.
HopeL replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks. I tried to inspect that theme and activate and I got an error:
mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry 'full' for key 'ctHandle'] in EXECUTE("insert into PageTypes (ctHandle, ctName, ctIcon, ctIsInternal, pkgID) values ('full', 'Full', 'main.png', 0, '12')")

I also got an error when I tried to activate the full page type for the Plain Yogurt theme:
mysqlt error: [1062: Duplicate entry 'full' for key 'ctHandle'] in EXECUTE("insert into PageTypes (ctHandle, ctName, ctIcon, ctIsInternal, pkgID) values ('full', 'Full', 'main.png', 0, 0)")

Any hints on how I can correct this error?
HopeL replied on at Permalink Reply
Perhaps I need to clear out something in the database. I can attempt it by accessing via phpMyAdmin. Just need a little guidance!
HopeL replied on at Permalink Reply
FYI - I resolved the issue by renaming the ctHandle and ctName in the database.