page_theme.php dont work
This file in the root theme folder:
I think in C5 this idea its with a little weird concept (you dont get any errors if the name isnt correct - and i see a lot of posts about this with the same problem.
I hope in the future you will connect this file from the admin, or a least will get debug error "wrong namespace" or something like this.
When i put this wrong code i dont get any error:\
Also requireAsset = i dont need to add this asset (it will use C5 jquery from the CMS)?
This file in the root theme folder:
<?php namespace Application\Theme\SitonPortfolio; use Concrete\Core\Area\Layout\Preset\Provider\ThemeProviderInterface; class PageTheme extends \Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\Theme { public function registerAssets() { //$this->Asset('javascript', 'bootstrap/*'); $this->requireAsset('javascript', 'jquery'); } } ?>
I think in C5 this idea its with a little weird concept (you dont get any errors if the name isnt correct - and i see a lot of posts about this with the same problem.
I hope in the future you will connect this file from the admin, or a least will get debug error "wrong namespace" or something like this.
When i put this wrong code i dont get any error:\
<?php namespace Application\Theme\Siton_Portfolio; useee Concrete\Core\Area\Layout\Preset\Provider\ThemeProviderInterfaceeeeeeeeeeee; classsssssssssss PageTheme extendsssssss \Concreteeee\Core\Page\Theme\Themeeeeeeee { publicccc functionnnnn registerAssetsssssssssssssssssss() { //$this->Asset('javascript', 'bootstrap/*'); $this->provideAsserrrrrrrrrrrrt('javascript', 'jquery');ssssssssssss } } ?>
Also requireAsset = i dont need to add this asset (it will use C5 jquery from the CMS)?

Theme directory names need to be all lower case, that could be part of the issue.
What cause the problem was the the "_3" in the end of my folder name (and path in page_theme.php:
I change the name of the folder from:
And change this:
namespace Application\Theme\SitonPortfolioTheme3;
namespace Application\Theme\SitonPortfolioTheme;
Now its works great! :) Thanks for the clue.
I change the name of the folder from:
And change this:
namespace Application\Theme\SitonPortfolioTheme3;
namespace Application\Theme\SitonPortfolioTheme;
Now its works great! :) Thanks for the clue.