Passing collection description from edit.php through auto.js into edit_row.php
I'd like to get the collection description of a page added with the page selector to the form of a block—a manual nav or an image slideshow, for example. Following snippets from jordanlev's Manual Nav add-on sensibly demonstrate the passage of the collection name as "tempLinkText." I've had some success with makeshift efforts to get the collection description along with the name into edit_row.php though initially the value returns as undefined.
Any help would be great, thanks up front.
Any help would be great, thanks up front.
<!-- form.php --> <div id="ccm-edit-rows"> <?php foreach($links as $rowInfo) { $rowInfo['rowId'] = $rowInfo['position']; //we need some arbitrary unique number other than link cID, because there might be more than one menu item pointing to the same page) $rowInfo['pageName'] = Page::getByID($rowInfo['linkToCID'])->getCollectionName(); $this->inc('edit_row.php', array('rowInfo' => $rowInfo)); } ?> </div> <div id="rowTemplateWrap" style="display:none"> <?php $tmpRowInfo = array( 'rowId' => 'tempRowId', 'linkToCID' => 'tempLinkToCID', 'linkText' => 'tempLinkText', 'pageName' => 'tempLinkText',
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// auto.js manualNav_selectSitemapNode = function(cID, cName) { ManualNavBlock.addRow(cID, cName); } var ManualNavBlock = { init:function(){}, addRowNewId:0, addRow: function(cID, cName) { this.addRowNewId--; //negative counter - so it doesn't compete with existing rowIds var rowId=this.addRowNewId; var templateHTML=$('#rowTemplateWrap .ccm-edit-row').html(); templateHTML=templateHTML.replace(/tempRowId/g,rowId); templateHTML=templateHTML.replace(/tempLinkToCID/g,cID); templateHTML=templateHTML.replace(/tempLinkText/g,cName); var newRow = document.createElement("div");
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