Password reset is not sending information to my email

Since our website went live on Dream Host, I can no longer sign in and edit it in concrete 5. It's not recognizing my user name or password. Can someone please help? Thanks! domain

themoderatelife replied on at Permalink Reply
I use dreamhost also and recently had this same exact problem. It was determined that the issue was that I had associated an email address that wasn't associated with a domain registered on Dreamhost (I had a gmail email associated with my log-in user, not an email associated with my dreamhost-registered domain), so they were automatically blocking the password reset emails from ever being sent, because they consider this "spoofing" in the system.

This is the page I ended up using to implement a solution - it was not easy, but it did work:

It was "Method 2" on this page that ended up working for me. The directions have a lot of steps, and every detail counts, so if you get stuck, re-read the directions again to make sure everything is right.
johnpaulb replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi CWIblog,

The easiest way I found is to change your email address in the Database, then just request a password reset email.

If you have access to phpMyAdmin with Dream host, this guide I did shows you in steps:

I hope this helps,