pasting WordArt into content blocks
Is it possible to paste WordArt into Content blocks? I'm trying, but when I paste it, nothing shows up. Is there a different type of block I should use that will enable me to spice up the font?
Word Art is Microsoft Office only, its not an image, and its not text
What are your suggestions rather than just using basic font?
Make it into an image, or use some online generator
I'm a complete rookie...can you give me an example or name of an online generator? Thanks
just google cool text generator and stuff like that
Word art saved as an Image won't be read by search engines so be sure to use your Alt tags to describe briefly what you're trying to communicate. If you really need an elaborate "Word Art" headline, create the affect in Word, zoom in as much as possible and use your "PrtScn" button (prints screen image to clipboard) and paste it into Paint. Paint will allow you to crop borders and unnecessary content or to select just the image and paste into a new Paint window. Save new image as a Jpeg and insert into content block... voile
It may not be elegant but it gets you by when resources are limited
It may not be elegant but it gets you by when resources are limited