
I have created a user. I have created a blogger group. I have assigned the user to the group.

I have a simple blog page. As admin I can add to the blog cos I can open the top right add page icon.

How does a user (blogger group) add a blog entry if they are not allowed to edit the site?

Thanks for any help. I have created a full working site with Joomla, but am doing a simple site for a friend using Concrete5 and need a quick solution.

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
You need to go to the Sitemap and assign permissions for that group on the Blog page.
Awgydawg replied on at Permalink Reply
OK - did that..... Now the person can edit the Blog page, change blocks etc. which I obviously don't want.

They cannot however access the add page to create a new blog entry.

Adding permission to the actual blog page just allows people to edit that page.

It seem ridiculous that a group cannot add a blog entry without editing privileges!
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
So, you want them to be able to add blog articles but not edit them? Or you want them to be able to add blog articles but not edit the top level blog page?
Awgydawg replied on at Permalink Reply
Permissions are there to stop users from editing the site structure.... CSS etc. But they should be able to add and edit their own contributions. This is a standard and easy thing to set up in Joomla.

I need a user to be able to add and edit their own blog entries only.

Thanks for any help.
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
I believe this is fairly easy, but you need to enable Advanced Permissions in System & Settings.

Then on the Blog top level page you need to enable Add Sub-Page permissions for this group.

Then on the Pages & Themes -> Page Types select Permissions for your blog entry page type, add "Add Pages of This Type" permissions for your group, then add "Edit Page Type" permissions for Page Owner. Then you can adjust the rest of the permissions as you want them down below.

That should get you where you want to go.
Awgydawg replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks..... I will try later and let you know.