PHP Fatal error

My concrete5 site at has been up for quite awhile. I have not made any changes in awhile. I went to my site to view it and add some updates on 6/7/11 and received this error in the browser; [an error occurred while processing this directive]

I can go to the login page,... but when I log in I still get the same message; [an error occurred while processing this directive].

On the error log I downloaded via ftp I get a lot of these, PHP Fatal error: messages (see attachment).

I checked with the webhost, hostmonster, and they had no idea.

Any idea what could cause this. Please help.

1 Attachment

jelthure replied on at Permalink Reply
that log looks suspect. are you running any other php applications on your site? or just C5? Also you might want to check if there were any files tampered with.

if you view source on your url you get this < ! - - SHTML Wrapper - 500 Server Error - - > and to the best of my knowledge C5 doesn't use SHTML for anything.
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
can you show us the environment info,

APC and Zend Optimiser don't play nice together
ewc07 replied on at Permalink Reply
What do you mean by environment info? What is APC and Zend Optimiser? I don't think I have them but they could be on the root domain host.

I did compare this sites error logs with that of other sites I've done that are the only or root domain on the web host and the error logs for the other sites are almost empty. This site with is a sub domain has over 40,000 lines on its error log. I just attached a portion because the file was over 10mb.
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
make a file called info.php and stick this in it:

<?php phpinfo()?>

if you can link or paste to it that would help
ewc07 replied on at Permalink Reply
I created the info.php file and put it in the root directory.
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Just took a look, the server is running both Zend Optimizer and APC, running the 2 together just creates issues, (like running a humidifier and dehumidifier in the same room).

ewc07 replied on at Permalink Reply
Do you believe that's what caused the error? Is that something I can fix. or should I just look at changing servers?
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
I would contact the host first and ask them to remove one, if they can't I would suggest changing hosts
ewc07 replied on at Permalink Reply
I contacted the hostmonster again, tech support on the phone wouldn't do anything. So I submitted a support ticket and in less than 2 hours they resolved the problem and the site is back up. Here's the response;

Something in your php.ini in public_html (Quite possibly apc) was causing the site not to work properly. I added the following line to the .htaccess file in your addon domain's directory:

AddHandler application/x-httpd-php5 .php

That line makes it not use the settings of the php.ini in public_html and makes it use the default settings instead. The error went away after that and the site came up.

Thanks Mnkras for pointing me in the right direction.
ewc07 replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm not running any other applications.
I did look at some files but didn't see anything suspicious, but then again I don't really know php so unless it was just completely obvious I wouldn't know if something had been tampered with.

I had a different site I designed awhile back that got hacked and the files and code they injected were quite obvious. I didn't find anything like that on this site.

I did reinstall the concrete folder, but nothing changed, I still get the same error message.

The only thing different about this site and others I've designed is that it is that it is a subdomain on someone else's web host at hostmonster.

I did export the database in from the server in case I do have to totally start over.

Thanks for your help.