PHP Form Submittion Help?

I'm looking to use the outside form block to bring in a calculation sheet I built...

I am unable to find where I upload the form page that I select to?

Also please help me out with the form.

I need to submit 5 things to the next page
and a submit button

Right now I have my output page pulling the data from the link with php Get command.
I can not find a page to show me how to make the form page submit this data to my output page?
Everything I have found uses Echo and doesnt seem to work. Can anyone point me to a guide on how to make the form I would need?


ScottSandbakken replied on at Permalink Reply
Are you using a standard form block or an external form block? I have done something like this using the External Form
( and submitting it to a single page.
stonereptiles replied on at Permalink Reply
I'd like to use external form. But I can't find a guide on how to make a new file. Only the sample is available in the drop down
ScottSandbakken replied on at Permalink Reply
The easiest way is to copy the example form from the [root]\concrete\blocks\external_form to [root]\blocks\external_form then modify it to suit your needs.

I don't have time to write anymore down right now but I will check back later and if you are still having problems I will try to right more instructions.
ScottSandbakken replied on at Permalink Reply