Placing social icons in a row instead of a column

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I'm wondering if it is possible to place the social icons in a row instead of a column.
I think i have to edit header.php but i'm not sure about that.

Who can help a starting concreter? :)

adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
What social icons are you referring to? Is it from an add-on or a theme? Have you added them yourself?
mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
adajad is right we need to know more.
However, when it comes to aligning pictures, it's usually a question of css not something for Concrete5 to be responsible for
waardd replied on at Permalink Reply
Its about the add-on social icons.
With this icon you can place all your social media links on your site.

The add-on places them on top off each other and i want them next to each other....

Oh and i installed with the market and the dashboard
Cahueya replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey there,

first, go read:

Read the text "Creating your new template folder structure".

This will prevent you from messing up the original add-on.

Then, open view.css of the social icons add-on and find "display: block;" for .block-socialprofiles li a then change it to "inline" and add "float: left".:

.block-socialprofiles li a {
   float: left;
   display: inline;
   color: #CCCCCC;
   font-size: 14px;
   padding: 8px 5px;
   text-decoration: none;
   border-bottom: 1px solid #ececec;
waardd replied on at Permalink Reply
Tnx so far but i cant find what youre telling from memmory ;)
Her is the contents of de css, wich part needs fixing?:
 * Block stylesheet
 * Originally developped by Defunct (
 * Modified and enhanced by mnakalay (
 * Class Names:
 *    - .large for 32px icons, no class name for 16px icons
 *    - .icons for links with icons only no class name for icons + text
 * The links follow these conventions:
 *    - Width same as the container's width if using text.
 *    - Width depending on the number of icons if using only icons.
 * For large icons:
 *    - Height of 44px.
 *    - Font-size 16px.
 * For small icons:
 *    - Height of 40px.
Cahueya replied on at Permalink Reply
Just check above, I've extended my post and it works.

But from the code you pasted, it looks different than the view.css I just downloaded. Are we referring to the same Add-On? Or did you employ "Social Icons Reloaded"?

Well, anyway, same thing. Just change "block" to "inline" and add "float" to the classes of the links and it should work :-)
waardd replied on at Permalink Reply
i will do some editing :) Looks promising.

tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
I have a bunch of custom templates in the marketplace here:
and Im pretty sure I have that done already.
mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply

Think there is a problem here. The link you have provided is to the add-on "Social Icons" but the css you are showing is from the add-on "Social Icons reloaded" ( which is a fork of the first one with more options.

If you are using "Social Icons Reloaded", by using the options to hide the text and show only the icons, they will be automatically aligned horizontally.

Other than that, advice you received so far about using using templates is correct.

Since I developped the "Social Icons Reloaded" add-on, if you're using it feel free to issue a request for support on the add-on page and I'll be happy to help.