Please help with format: header/banner misalignment

Hello friends,

I am completely new to web design, and decided to try out Concrete5. My website is:
I have a problem with the alignment and formatting of the header whenever i try to create a new page now; I have uploaded 3 pictures to help describing my problem.

I was doing fine with building the site until when I tried to edit my "Contact" page by adding a content block to the header. When I did that the alignment of the header became all messed up (see picture: Format 1.png), as you see the header (with the picture of the sheep and the content block with the text "Contact Us" does not extend fully across the page, as they do in my other pages. When I deleted the picture block, the formatting/alignment became even worse (see picture: Format 2.png); the width of the header seems to be dependent on the width of the blocks on the page, even though it shouldn't be. I have chosen the full width page design by the way.

What I am looking for is a page like in "Format 3.png", where the header simply contains the content "Contact Us", and then with the contact info of my company in the main portion of the page.

If this problem only occurs on that one page, I wouldn't be too frustrated about it, however it occurs on every single page that I try to create now, which is very annoying.

Please help me by shedding some light on this situation, all inputs would be greatly appreciated.


3 Attachments
