Poof! My site has disappeared!

Hi, all. My website seems to have disappeared <http://sairegion13.org >! I just get a blank screen. I made some tiny edits to a calendar file last week, but it's something I've done hundreds of times before, so I don't think that is the culprit.

I contacted the service provider and they don't know what the heck happened either. I cannot get to any of the pages I created with C5, nor can I access the Dashboard via the Admin account or any of the others users.

Am I totally hosed? If C5 is reinstalled, does that mean I've lost everything and will have to start over??


hostco replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes you will lose your data. Do not reinstall just yet. If you would like to give me access to your hosting environment, im sure i could help you out :)
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
just looked at the headers, the cookie is being set, so its not totally dead ;)

can you post your error log if you have one,
R13admin replied on at Permalink Reply
That would require me knowing where to find the error log! :-)

Give me a hint...
12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
ftp into your site and go to the root concrete5 directory and look for the file error_log ... the name can be misleading :)
R13admin replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Misleading indeed!

I see lots of "Fatal Errors" which is never a good sign. See attached.
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
it seems that your host lost some files :3

download the concrete5 version that is the same as on oyur site, and take the /concrete directory and override the one in your site,
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
it actually looks like your running out of you r/updates/concrete5.4.1 directory, so override that one :)
R13admin replied on at Permalink Reply
And by override, you mean copy over? Or am I "granting permission" or unlocking the directory somehow. Sorry for being such a dolt...
12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
copy over
R13admin replied on at Permalink Reply
Woo hoo! It worked. Thanks to all who helped. You've saved me months of work...
FatTony1952 replied on at Permalink Reply
I just ran into this same issue. I edited my view.php file to eliminate an unneeded div and now the site is blank. The source is blank too. Not sure what has happened here.

*EDIT - Client accidentally changed the theme name. Changed it back and all is well.