Porting Concrete5 CMS to Server2go CD-ROM webserver [cache problem]
Dear friends,
I am trying to port my concrete5 cms website to Server2go CD-rom webserver which will enable it to run the website from any cd-rom/usb. The problem is that it works fine which running from hard disk. But when I run from a CD I get cache error as mentioned below. This happens inspite of disabling cache in the sitewide settings. Please help its very urgent.
Fatal error: Call to a member function setOption() on a non-object in G:\htdocs\concrete\libraries\cache.php on line 62
Check server2go here
How can I prevent concrete from writing to the cache folder.
I have realised that the cache is getting populated by thumbnail generated by zoom_image. I have now made the cache to write to c:\ jsut for testing but I cannot read the image into html by putting file:///c:/xyz.jpg.
Any work arounds?
I am trying to port my concrete5 cms website to Server2go CD-rom webserver which will enable it to run the website from any cd-rom/usb. The problem is that it works fine which running from hard disk. But when I run from a CD I get cache error as mentioned below. This happens inspite of disabling cache in the sitewide settings. Please help its very urgent.
Fatal error: Call to a member function setOption() on a non-object in G:\htdocs\concrete\libraries\cache.php on line 62
Check server2go here
How can I prevent concrete from writing to the cache folder.
I have realised that the cache is getting populated by thumbnail generated by zoom_image. I have now made the cache to write to c:\ jsut for testing but I cannot read the image into html by putting file:///c:/xyz.jpg.
Any work arounds?

This post won't be helpful...but ermmm... Good luck.
Give it a go on USB?
did you disable the cache before writing to CD
yes ... I disabled the cache in the debug section of sitewide settigns before writing it to the CD. Friends,I need to distribute it on a CD. Please help. Is there a way I can directly disable it in the php files? If so which files and how?
Can I move the cache folder out of "Files" directory?
I realise that the problem is with the usage of Zoom_Image addon. It generates a thumbnail into the cache folder. IS there a way to have the thumbnail without putting it into the cache folder?
Please help
Please help
Can your just write them to Windows temp file directory or C:\temp
I am now writing them to c:\ by changing the cache path in base.php to"c:/"
Location of base.php is as below:
It writes to c:\ but cannot read them back into html .... Is it possible to read them when its running offhttp:// . I tried "file:///c:/xyz.jpg" but it doesnt seem to read. Doesn't it then become out of the server envnvironment?
Please let me know how ? Please help.
Location of base.php is as below:
It writes to c:\ but cannot read them back into html .... Is it possible to read them when its running offhttp:// . I tried "file:///c:/xyz.jpg" but it doesnt seem to read. Doesn't it then become out of the server envnvironment?
Please let me know how ? Please help.
Can you see the file in the Dashboard/Filemanager? If so, look at the properties (Direct URL) of the file. Try to hit that with your broswer. It will be something likehttp://
I am talking of the thumbnail genrated at runtime into cache. What I am trying to do is edit the view.php file of zoomimage addon and try to read the image file on c:\ using fread() in php ... but when I echo the content I get junk in the place of the thumbnail.
Any help on that ?
Any help on that ?
If you are doing a "raw data file read" you would need to put that data into a graphics object before trying to echo it. If you have GD use something like:
I'm not looking at the code and may be completely off-base.
$im = imagecreatefrompng("test.png"); header('Content-type: image/png'); imagepng($im); imagedestroy($im);
I'm not looking at the code and may be completely off-base.