Pretty urls I still get index.php before the pages
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Hi My pretty ursl are working but I still get index.php as the second part of the url
Anyone know why this is? Ive got another site where it doesnt happen and I cant see why.
Anyone know why this is? Ive got another site where it doesnt happen and I cant see why.

Are you sure your server handles .htaccess files (Apache) and it has mod_rewrite on? And of course your .htaccess file should be located in the root of your public folder.
It looks like its just the main navigation bar that is still referencing the non-pretty urls. Your left side nav is serving them up correctly. So I would guess that the server is configured correctly.
Are you using the superfish menu from the marketplace? If so there may be something related. I haven't used it myself so I can't offer any more help on that, sorry!
Are you using the superfish menu from the marketplace? If so there may be something related. I haven't used it myself so I can't offer any more help on that, sorry!
When I go to your page without the index.php, I get the page without the index.php. So it looks like the mod_rewrite is working to me. Did you fix it?
Hi Guys thatnks for all the info, (just out of bed bere). I think if the autonav is sending out the right ones it must be something to do with superfish although one of my other sites is fine.
Its a tricky one Ill have to lok a little deeper.
Thanks for all your help.
Its a tricky one Ill have to lok a little deeper.
Thanks for all your help.
i had a similar proble a while ago. try putting this in your config/site.php file:
cool thanks Tony, your solutions invariable work.
Thanks mate.