preventing blocks from overflowing their sections

So it has been brought to my attention that some blocks in our site overflow their section on smaller screens/different settings. How can I prevent blocks from going past their section (One full screen height) in the simplest way possible?

jordif replied on at Permalink Reply
I guess that depends on the theme you're using.

There is a CSS attribute called "overflow" that might help. For instance, assuming your sidebar class name is "sidebar", you could add this to your stylesheet:

.sidebar {overflow:hidden}

I'm just guessing. We would need to know which theme you're using or have a look at the website...

bpbuild replied on at Permalink Reply
At the moment the site is down due to a key permission issue, however I am using a custom theme so I can name the class whatever I need to. Would overflow: hidden add a scroll bar to see the rest of the material?
jordif replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
"overflow:hidden" would make it invisible, "overflow:auto" would add a scroll bar if necessary
bpbuild replied on at Permalink Reply
Awesome, thanks for the help. I will check this out once the other issue is resolved.