Preventing Skype from reformatting phone numbers

I'm stumped on this and wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction.

I tried adding this:


to my header.php page and to the html directly for a content area, but I can't seem to prevent Skype from reformatting my phone numbers. Short of turning the phone number into a graphic, would anyone know of a way to address this?

I really appreciate your time and help on this.



msmiller replied on at Permalink Reply
Just figured it out!

Use this in the html (fake phone number for example of html)

<p>1-8XX-555-<span style="display: none;">_</span>1212</p>
<div id="_mcePaste" class="mcePaste" style="position: absolute; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow: hidden; top: 0px; left: -10000px;">?</div>

If there is a more elegant way, let me know. Otherwise, this works.
zoiig replied on at Permalink Reply
Or - if you don't want to deal with style sheets, and don't mind learning a little more about your craft, character entity encoding...

You know how "less than" and "greater than" and simply "<" or ">" in HTML? Well the same can be true for numbers. This link - list all the encoding types that, readable by browsers, aren't so for spam bots or Skype so in HTML.... ( &#50; &#50; &#50; ) &#53; &#57; &#54; - &#48; &#49; &#55; &#56;

turns into:

(222) 596-0178 in the browser view.
msmiller replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks, Zoiig! I'll try this.
msmiller replied on at Permalink Reply
Well, I just discovered that the fix doesn't work for Firefox.

Any ideas, folks?

zoiig replied on at Permalink Reply
are you sure? I primarily work in FF and I'm seeing the numbers fine - the code has to be applied in the HTML, not in the WYSIWYG, other wise just like the post all you're looking at is code and not the translation.

( wish this text box had and HTML code tab and I'd show ya... )