Problem applying workflow to page permissions 5.6.0

I just upgraded our site to 5.6.0 (on the way to, and am attempting to set up a basic update approval workflow according to this:

I have set up a workflow, and added people to the access list.

The problem is, on the page where I want to apply the workflow, something is missing. In the dialog box where you grant/deny permissions, there are supposed to be two tabs at the top of the box - "Access" and "Workflow". These are missing.

Is there something in the dashboard that needs to be enabled before these will appear?

landollweb replied on at Permalink Reply
While playing further, I noticed the "Access" and "Workflow" tabs appear when editing "Delete" permissions on a page, but not when editing "Edit Contents" (which is what I'm trying to apply the workflow to).

So I gather workflows cannot be applied to just any of these actions/permissions?

Searched through documentation, and so far not finding anything about that.
landollweb replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Take that back, I did find something here:

"Permissions items managed by versions

Some page permissions will not have a Workflow tab present. This is because these items represent page properties that are managed by Versions in concrete5. If you need to use a workflow to manage any of the following permissions, you'll need to attach the workflow to the Approve Changes permissions item.

You'd then want to grant the users whose work you want to approve / deny access to each permissions item (Edit Contents, Edit Properties). Together, your users will be able to change pages and then submit their changed to the appoval workflow.

The following Permissions are managed by Versions:

View Versions
Preview Page as User
Edit Properties
Edit Contents
Edit Speed Settings
Change Theme
Change Page Type
Add Sub-Page
Schedule Guest Access
landollweb replied on at Permalink Reply