Problem editing with IE 8

I am webmaster for fairly large corporate site. We are in the process of transferring over 12 websites, 5 extranets to C5 platform.
I have hired an external company to do all the developing.
I am very happy with C5 so far, but I now have a huge issue.
I started making a user guide for our nontech savy web editors around the world, and I was pretending I was one of them (which means I was editing using IE8 (I usually use Chrome myself).
I found a HUGE problem right away with IE and was wondering if there is a solution.
Our company is pretty big and we have a very strict IT dept, meaning we are basically not allowed to install anything on our computers, so XP is the OS we use and IE8 is the browser everyone has and that is the way it is.

I have attached a screen shot to the problem,
Our developer has make some great design templates and for choosing links which show up in our drop down navigation menu on the website, we go to Properties and then custom attributes and then we can "select page" we want to link to. We click the link and then we get a site-tree to find the page we want to link to.
In Chrome, it works fine, but in IE8 it comes up with the site-tree, but it wont select the page. I choose the page and nothing happens. I brought this up with our developer and he said he was aware thet there are some issues with IE8 and C5 and these issues are not being fixed.

Is this true (IE8 is the most used browser by our audience by far), and since we have a worldwide audience, I can image IE8 is the most used browser in the world. I find it disturbing that it would not be a focus Browser that C5 works with. Of course it a couple years maybe only 5-10% of people are using IE8, but today it is the biggest.
Is there a solution to this problem?
To get my IT dept to allow 20 people to install Chrome/Firefox on their computers is not an option right now, and not any plugins which make IE act like a different browser. I just want to know if IE8 can work with my problem, and how to fix it. Look at screen shot
Picture 1: This is properties/custom attributes for my navigation. I choose the pages I want to show up int the dropdown nav by choosing "Select page". Then picture 2 comes up

Picture 2: Here is part of my site tree that comes up and I can navigate the the page I want and click it 1 time, and it is chosen

In Chrome the page gets chosen and then shows up back in Picture 1 under "Select pages for column"

In IE8 nothing happens. It won't let me select a page. This is a huge issue for me.


1 Attachment

jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
I know there were some problems with IE8 in the older version of Concrete5 (, which were due to an out-of-date jQuery library. I believe this has been addressed in the most recent version (Concrete5 -- so first I would check which version of Concrete5 you're using.
If you don't want to update your older version of C5, there is a fairly easy way to just update the jQuery library to the newer one, so that's an option.
If you are using the newest version of C5, though, and this is still a problem, post back here -- this would be a pretty major bug indeed.

As a last-ditch effort, you might want to try Chrome Frame for those 20 users who need to edit the sites -- apparently the most recent version allows it to be installed without requiring admin privileges, which means it should work even in an IT-controlled environment.
Although I hope this isn't the only solution, because IE8 is the most widely-used browser, and it would be pretty counter-productive for C5 not to be compatible with it (despite the arrogant "IE sux!" comments you'll see from time to time).

Best of luck.
sme1972 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the reply. We are using, so I will try the upgrade or at least update the jQuery. I will let you know what happens
sme1972 replied on at Permalink Reply
We have upgraded to the latest version of C5 and now we can use IE8 for editing.
I will say it still is more buggy than Chrome (when i comes to dragging items and freezes every now and then), but at least it works.

Thanks again