Problem with access to C5 through Bluehost - Simple Scripts
All of a sudden I cannot gain access to the dashboard to edit my pages through Bluehost - Simple scripts. It will not accept my password, reporting that it is invalid although I can sign in directly on the C5 web page. Any suggestions? Thanks!

So, the problem is logging into bluehost?, but still works?
If I go directly to the Concrete5 website, I can log into the site. I can access my Bluehost CPanel without any problem. I then go to the Simple Scripts page and click on the icon. It then asks me to log in. It was working fine and then it would allow me to log in but it took me to my web page and not the dashboard. Bluehost installed a backup but now when I attempt to log in, it tells me my ID and password are bad.
When I try to replace my password using the link from the Concrete5 E-mail, it displays the box to enter a new password, but the box is not active and I can' enter anything.
When I try to replace my password using the link from the Concrete5 E-mail, it displays the box to enter a new password, but the box is not active and I can' enter anything.