Problems with running a backup
I normally run a backup and it happens quite quickly and I can download my file.
However, on a particular site (not a big site, I should add) it took a really long time and finally I got this error in the console:
There is no backup file, just this error which seems to be related to jquery and jquery backstretch.
Does this have anything to do with my hosting? (we have had problems with them).
On other concrete5 sites I've built I haven't had problems with the backup.
I normally run a backup and it happens quite quickly and I can download my file.
However, on a particular site (not a big site, I should add) it took a really long time and finally I got this error in the console:
Resource interpreted as Image but transferred with MIME type text/html: "".
There is no backup file, just this error which seems to be related to jquery and jquery backstretch.
Does this have anything to do with my hosting? (we have had problems with them).
On other concrete5 sites I've built I haven't had problems with the backup.

Also, here are my environment settings:
Viewing 15 lines of 39 lines. View entire code block.
Okay, I fixed it, *but* I do have some questions about how concrete5 works and what I should know about the server going forward.
It appears that the "clear cache" button isn't working. I went and manually deleted the files using my ftp program and now I can run a backup without a problem. So I think perhaps my alloted space was maxed out with my hosting.
However, can anyone tell me why the "clear cache" button *wouldn't* work? Does it depend on a particular server setting? I wasn't getting an error message when I cleared the cache (even though nothing was actually being cleared).
It appears that the "clear cache" button isn't working. I went and manually deleted the files using my ftp program and now I can run a backup without a problem. So I think perhaps my alloted space was maxed out with my hosting.
However, can anyone tell me why the "clear cache" button *wouldn't* work? Does it depend on a particular server setting? I wasn't getting an error message when I cleared the cache (even though nothing was actually being cleared).
Anyone know *why* my clear cache button would not work?
When you say that it wouldn't work, can you be more explicit? Did it refresh the page or actually nothing happened? Did it give you any message, either that it cleared the cache (but didn't) or a error message?
Off the top of my head, I'd check some folder permissions. I have found that inside the /files folder, trash and cache can sometimes lose their permission settings and this may have been a cause.
Off the top of my head, I'd check some folder permissions. I have found that inside the /files folder, trash and cache can sometimes lose their permission settings and this may have been a cause.
When I hit the clear cache button, I get the "success" message:
Cached files removed.
However, if I go and view the files/cache folder there are still files in the cache folder.
The files folder, files/cache folder and files/tmp folder are all 755.
Cached files removed.
However, if I go and view the files/cache folder there are still files in the cache folder.
The files folder, files/cache folder and files/tmp folder are all 755.
Try changing those permissions to 777 (but exit and re-enter as they may revert again. If they do, create new ones, copy the contents out of the old and into the new, then blow away the old ones) and clear the cache again.
Okay, I tried switching files, files/cache and files/tmp to 777. I then turned on the cache, checked the folder, "files/cache" to see that it had files, and then, in the dashboard, I hit the "clear cache" button.
I got the "Cache files removed" success message, but when I looked into the folder, "files/cache", the files are still there.
Very strange.
I got the "Cache files removed" success message, but when I looked into the folder, "files/cache", the files are still there.
Very strange.
Jordanlev was investigating a similar point a few days ago (on the leaders forum). His conclusion was that the cache was clearing, but only the oldest files were being removed.
I am planning to put together a cache clearing job as a free addon - its something that will be of use on my own sites. Though I am not sure how long it will be relevant for as I have heard the entire cacheing strategy is being slimmed down in 5.7.
I am planning to put together a cache clearing job as a free addon - its something that will be of use on my own sites. Though I am not sure how long it will be relevant for as I have heard the entire cacheing strategy is being slimmed down in 5.7.
Good to know.
It looks like the files inside of the files/cache folder are 644. But then the server should still be able to delete files, right (if the server is the "owner")?
It looks like the files inside of the files/cache folder are 644. But then the server should still be able to delete files, right (if the server is the "owner")?