Product List Titles not showing


I made a website ( )
with a webshop, as you can see, but when i make a product list,
the names of the products arent showing unless you hold your mouse right on it.
(The titles are below the product image and above the price. )

I dont know anything about coding.
Can someone please help me, i want them to appear in black, without you having to hold your mouse on it.

Thanks a lot.

mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
Try adding to the end of the file:

.ccm-core-commerce-product-property-list h2 a {
   color:  black !important;
.ccm-core-commerce-product-property-list h2 a:hover {
   color:  #48ACDE !important;
mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
The only danger of what I've suggested is that if the theme you have installed gets updated, it may overwrite the addition. What I've suggested is sort of a shortcut, so just keep that in mind!