Project page (Not Connected)

Hi, i'm having trouble with concrete 5, I can't assign my project to the community and as I've purchased items I cannot use them, I've purchased items perversely and have be able to use them fine, but I can't use new items as It says I'm not connected to the community, this is getting ridiculous the amount of time i'm spending on this. Surely it can't be this hard?. I've previously wrote on here and I followed the instructions what people told me and I still haven't got any where. I know I'm connected or I wouldn't have been able to purchase and use items perversely like back stretch which I use and Google fonts. what can I do to solve this please some one help me.

ronyDdeveloper replied on at Permalink Reply
Maybe a www and non www problem. If you are using your domain something like, then try to use

Though I'm not sure but it might solve the issue.

Dean2013 replied on at Permalink Reply
I'v have a domain name that i'm using, but it's currently on another site that's live and when this site i'm currently making now in concrete5 is finished i'm going to transfer the domain name from the old site to this one. My site at the moment is in private mode, so the url reads something like http//192.354.845.