Publish pages

After editing and publishing several pages I get a blue popup that says "awaiting approval" But I did not make any changes. I have this problem on multiple websites.

Does someone know why I get this pop-up. My clients are getting confused and wonder if there are made changes to the page.

madesimplemedia replied on at Permalink Reply

If you click approve in the blue box, does the box go away or does it come back?


studio4graphics replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Dave,

I checked and it does not come back.

The problem is when the page get edited or created with composer (and you publish the page in composer). You see the created/edited page and the blue box. It's confusing my clients because the already published the page in composer. So it seems like some sort of double check.

cmerritt replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
My client has a similar issue after editing but not publishing a couple of pages.
There is the blue popup requesting review but no way to approve the edits.
I am not sure of the process that was used that resulted in this.
He has now created newer versions of the page and approved them but the message is still popping up. Even making the version in question approved does not remove the message nor does deleting the page version.
The site does not use advanced permissions and workflow has not been set up.
It is on version 8.4.4.
Any ideas on how to sort this would be appreciated.
