Question regarding search function

I've created my website, have ecommerce installed on it. When I create a new product, I give it a stock number, such as N98. When I search "N98" I get a "no items found" type message. However, when I search on the term "necklace" (of which N98 is), I get tons of results. Why??



Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
thats more of a core commerce issue, the search does not index product attributes, it should though, add a features request on that addon's page
bikepartjewelry replied on at Permalink Reply
Just to make sure I understand you correctly, when I name a product N98 Independence Day Necklace, the name is considered a product attribute?

So the search results coming up are only from my descriptions, not the names of the products.

jincmd replied on at Permalink Reply
Any updates to c5.5 on the search of ecommerce product attributes and 3chr words?
WebStudioEast replied on at Permalink Reply
The search engine only searches terms that are greater than three characters. So you can't search for the word "ear" either.
droomltd replied on at Permalink Reply
Is there any way to get the search to index 3 characters - one of our clients sells EDI solutions and obviously they want the search to work on EDI
mkly replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm not sure about functionality built into blocks but filterByKeywords can set to simple mode which uses LIKE instead of MATCH.
//You'll have to adapt this for product list, I don't have core_commerce docs handy
$pl = new PageList();
// We pass true to use simple mode(LIKE)
$pl->filterByKeywords($keywords, true);
$pages = $pl->getPage();

Otherwise, depending on your server setup, you will need to set the MYSQL setting ft_min_word_len to 3 instead of 4.
See this for details on that