Questions about how webpage appears


I'm currently working on my company's webpage and I've stumbled upon some small issues I'd like to resolve. I have been working with Concrete5 for about 2 months now, so bare with me if I don't make myself clear enough for you to understand.
Question number 1. How do I change the way icons in a block appear when I visit them on my website? They're supposed to appear in a certain sequence (first icon first, second icon after that etc) but now they just appear randomly.

Question number 2. When visiting the webpage and scrolling down - we have different alternatives on top of the page that re-directs you to the specific location of the page if you click on it. Right now, when you click on a certain tab, it will re-direct you to the right section, however - it lands on the middle of the page. How do I make it land where it's supposed to?

Let me know if I can clarify anything, as motioned, I’m new to this.


hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Please provide a link to your website so we can see what is happening with these things. These questions are too generic to answer without being able to see them.
amt123 replied on at Permalink Reply
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm not sure why your post is coming up blank here, but for others who might read this, here's the content

If you click your way to "how we do it", we have different icons with text under "What makes us different?". As you can see, they pop up in a random order (especially the two last ones).
If you click on "News" at the top, it will re-direct you to the right part of the page, but in the middle of it. I want it to land on "What we've been up to lately"

As for the first item, I would be willing to bet that they pop up in the order they are added to the page, so if you want them to display in another order, move them up or down to reorder them properly. - If that doesn't work please let us know what type of block(s) these are and maybe a screenshot of what edit mode looks like here.

The second item, it jumps the top of the News section to the top of the browser window, however your site has a sticky header, so the top part is under that. You'll have to adjust the javascript in the theme to have an offset to account for that.
amt123 replied on at Permalink Reply