Quickly find pages in Edit mode?

Is it possible to quickly find which pages are in Edit mode? When I go to the dashboard it says I have n pages in edit mode, but I can't find a way to quickly see why they haven't been published.

adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
Ale replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Check out following files:

This one displays the activity module:

The logic can be found here:

If you just want the number of pages in edit mode, you'll need the following code:
echo PageStatistics::getTotalPagesCheckedOut();

You can also check out how the PageStatistics model actually gets the number if you look at the model in:
yoursite/concrete/models/page_statistics.php at line 87

You could also try to use the Page List object to get actual Page objects:
 $pl = new PageList();
 $pl->filter('p1.cIsCheckedOut', '1', '=');
 $pages = $pl->get();
 $foreach($pages as $page) {
   echo $page->getCollectionName();

...or just get the Page ID's somewhat the same way the as the function in PageStatistics model and then get the Page objects with Page::getByID($id);
adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks, I'll have a look.
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
For anyone else trying to discover what pages are in edit mode,
The code above is almost correct. just remove the $ from in front of foreach and it will work,
Like this,
 $pl = new PageList();
 $pl->filter('p1.cIsCheckedOut', '1', '=');
 $pages = $pl->get();
 foreach($pages as $page) {
   echo $page->getCollectionName();