Real Estate Add-On


I just purchased the Real Estate add-on and can't manage to insert certain listings on certain pages.

For example:

For my Category Houses i want to put all the house listings on this page.

I need for every Category the same option.

How can i do this?

Can someone please help. The way the add-on does the job for me now is that every listing i create it gets inserted at the navigation bar and i do not know how to keep the listing to its Categories like i descripbed above.

Thanks in advace


12345j replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Go to the addon page and hit support.
erminos replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks mate.

hadesign replied on at Permalink Reply
Did you ever solve this i am trying to do the same thing.
erminos replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi jodhilla,

no i never solved the problem. I have purchased another Property Script and thats how i solved it.
