Really weird editing mode issue

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Hi all

Been building a site, almost finished and out of the blue I started getting a weird issues where If I hove over the editing button now nothing pops up until I move over to the dashboard tab! Weird! I've changed the theme back to a default system theme to see if it was anything I'd done but still getting the same issue.

I've attached a screen shot.

Anyone had a similar issue or able to give me a solution. I'm 2% away from this site being completed and now the system packs up on me!

Cheers, Matt

1 Attachment

Blenderite replied on at Permalink Reply
Have you tried clear your cache or using a different browser?
Matteld80 replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeah tried it in firefox, chrome, safari and even ie!! Still the same, cleared the cache a few times, removed javascript references you name it.

Its all worked fine up until around 4pm today.
Blenderite replied on at Permalink Reply
Hmm, that is really weird. My next idea was to remove anything referencing JQuery.
Matteld80 replied on at Permalink Reply
The only error I get when I try to de-bug is a missing img reference. I've re-uploaded the image but the error's still there. This surely can't be the issue!!
Blenderite replied on at Permalink Reply
What error do you get?
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
Your getting a 404 on this image

and on your favicon.ico
Matteld80 replied on at Permalink Reply
The image reference was from a stylesheet. Just removed that now, No errors at all. I'm also not using or referencing a favicon in my theme?

Would it be worth reinstalling the core theme in concrete>themes>core?
FischerVision replied on at Permalink Reply
It could help.. You can also try a css fix. Add this in your a stylesheet.

#ccm-dashboard-overlay{display: none !important;}
#ccm-dashboard-overlay hover{display: block !important;}
#ccm-edit-overlay{display: none !important}
#ccm-edit-overlay hover{display: block !important;}
Matteld80 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Fischer

The css just stops the dashboard hover box from displaying at all.

I'm going to backup my site before I try and reinstall the core theme.
FischerVision replied on at Permalink Reply
Think i made a mistake with the css. Try this:
#ccm-dashboard-overlay{display: none;}
#ccm-dashboard-overlay hover{display: block !important;}
#ccm-edit-overlay{display: none;}
#ccm-edit-overlay hover{display: block !important;}
Matteld80 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Fischer

Still no joy. Am I meant to be putting this into my main stylesheet or the core?
FischerVision replied on at Permalink Reply
In your main stylesheet
Matteld80 replied on at Permalink Reply
yeah in there, does nothing sadly
FischerVision replied on at Permalink Reply
Also don't think that re-installing the core theme will help. Do you know about anything that you changed around the time that it didn't work anymore? Because it seems as a .js file isn't called anymore. Thus it doesn't know that it should be closed. Did you changed (or added) anything in the /js folder?
Matteld80 replied on at Permalink Reply
I added nothing new in yesterday apart from images. What js/reference are you getting?

I've even deleted my theme from the themes and re-activated the greek-yoghurt one and still the same issue! I have no idea.
FischerVision replied on at Permalink Reply
It's what reference I'm not getting. When you login to your site different files are called. They are called from /concrete/themes/dashboard/elements/header.php. Look which ones are called. Then look at the frontend which ones are really called.

And there has to be something more then only adding images.
Matteld80 replied on at Permalink Reply
Surely if I remove the theme it should sort the problem out
yinhuazhiyi replied on at Permalink Reply
How to make the color and personality in coordination

Different people will choose the different clothes, we can see one’s characteristic though one’s dress, so it is important for us to choose the right color to match our own personality.
1. The introvert who are silent and quiet would be better to choose the plain and neat clothes to suit their gentle and calming on the contrary, the vivacious ones, the young girls in particular, are suitable in the bright or intense contrast colors to show the vigor of the youth.
2. It will have an effect of extending your merit and shorting your defects to change colors consciously sometimes. For example, those active women can increase their quiet quality with the help of the blue or dark brown dresses; At the same time, women who are the introvert ,silent and not good at the social communicating can try on the pink or some light colors to have the quality of activity and kindness.
PatrickCassidy replied on at Permalink Reply
Sometimes this sort of thing happens when a theme's css over-rides the core's css. I've seen where sometimes a white font is used in the body, and it overlaps on to the dashboard, and because the dashboard background is white also, you don't see the links.

Without looking at the site, the dashboard may have picked up something like a overflow:hidden in the css or something, preventing the drop down hover from appearing?

If you search the forums there are a couple of threads on wrapping your entire theme / css files so that they don't spill over to the core...

Hope it helps...
enlil replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Matteld80 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for you're help guys. Managed to get a temp fix. If you set up a new admin user the issue is fixed in the new account! weird one but glad I found a fix
enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
Take a look a little further down in the first link I provided. Try removing the composer write link from the super user account like I suggested. Hopefully that will clear it up for your super user for the time being!