Receiving Error Message when Extending a Theme


I installed Concrete All other dashboard functions appear to be working in good order. However, I receive the following error message when I try to Extend concrete 5 and install a new theme:

URL being accessed:

The alert reads when this page tries to load: An unexpected error occurred. An error occurred while processing this request.

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

kieranrushby replied on at Permalink Reply
I had similar issues on a packaged theme I tried to install. It worked fine in beta but gave the same error when I tried to uninstall.

I couldn't work out if the block that I included to the package was causing the error or the theme.

When the package installed and theme activated the home page was just blank with nothing. Not even a concrete bar at the top. However if I put the theme directly in the application/themes directory it loaded in and worked perfectly. I then just loaded the block in through the package on it's own.

Not very tidy but its working for me currently..
kieranrushby replied on at Permalink Reply
That said I have just updated to and i'm working fine now..
paulhebert replied on at Permalink Reply
That appears to work.

Thanks for your recommendation and assistance with this.