Redirection After Logging In?

I am creating a small community site with a few different groups. Each of whom have a different calendar that I would like to password protect. I don't mind if everyone can see everyone else calendar if they are a member but I don't want non-members to see the calendars.

I have everything set up where you have to log-in to see the calendar but after the user log's in at the calendar page they are redirected to the front page.

Any way to direct them to the calendar they want to look at instead of back to the front page?

And I guess the bigger question is: is there a way that the user is directed to whatever single page they just tried to log into?

Thanks for any help.

Tony replied on at Permalink Reply
To have the user redirect to another page after login, include a rcID variable in your query string, with the collection id of the page you want to redirect to after login, like:

ScottC replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for that, will add to (well start) a snippet collection for concrete5.
TylerA replied on at Permalink Reply
Dyark replied on at Permalink Reply
What is the best way to redirect all registered members to a new page after log in? Where do I find the files to change? For example the CID is currently 1 and I need it to be 44. Is there a simple way to change this? I am new to this and I am having a blast learning.
TylerA replied on at Permalink Reply
You don't need to change anything but the URL that you send users to to log in. So, say you want them to end up on a certain page that has an ID of '55', you would use this link:

They go log in and end up on that page. To find the ID of your page just enter edit mode and check your display URL it will be the last numbers.
Dyark replied on at Permalink Reply
Where do I go to change the URL?
TylerA replied on at Permalink Reply
Put it wherever you are having people log in.

So if you have a link on your front page that says "log-in here" link that text to your login page using the above URL. So it would look like this in HTML:

<a href="">Log in Here</a>

Then after they log in they will be redirected to whatever is page ID 55.
Dyark replied on at Permalink Reply
It works great. I was actually looking to fix it in the root files. This somehow did the trick. Thanks. This was my last hold up to going live with the site (other than content and touch up). AWESOME!!!