Reducing display size to 80%

My client wants his site made smaller, is there any way I can add a code to css to show the entire site at 80% zoom auto?

If not any suggestions on an easier way to achieve this?



Ekko replied on at Permalink Reply
If you go through your themes style.css, and change the widths of your areas, sidebars, mains, and the overall width of theme. Than go through your site to adjust the sizes of blocks that don't auto-magically resize.

You could also buy the client a larger monitor, and save yourself the trouble.
mmdan replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey thanks for the info, I guess that's the hard way.
I did tell them on different screen resolution and different monitor the size will differ but no they want the site to be reduced in size.

Will see if I can convince them to stick with the current look if not, have to re-size everything which was my last option!

mmdan replied on at Permalink Reply
also the css code just moved the site to the left but size remained the same, was worth a try!

glockops replied on at Permalink Reply
I have nothing to add. I just wanted to say "I'm sorry."