Remove "view this project" hover text over image_file attribute
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I have added a custom image_file attribute to a page. I have put a thumbnail image in that attribute to represent the page in a Page List block. I have added the Page List block to a different page one level up in the sitemap hierarchy. The thumbnail image appears in the Page List block, but when I hover over the image a block of text appears that reads, "view this project" (see screenshot). If I click the text it takes me to the child page that includes that image_file attribute. I want to modify the "view this project" text. Suggestions?
I have solved this problem; maybe not the best way, but it works. I determined that this behavior is part of the dojo page filter add on that I purchased. I found the view.php file that sets this behavior and changed the text for the hover button. The full path to the file is: packages/dojo_page_filter/blocks/page_list/templates/page_filter/view.php
Great! But wouldn't it be better to copy view.php to siteroot/blocks/page_list/templates/page_filter/view.php? ... or didn't that work for you?
Given I am only masquerading as a website designer, I had no idea this was an alternative or preferable way to change the hover button text. Thanks for the tip.