Remove Page title from content area of standard "Full" Page Type

Permalink 1 user found helpful
Hi Folks,

Started using Concrete5 and so far I am a fan. One thing has been a challenge for me.

I have a home page. I do not like that on my Home page it says "Home" below my slideshows/topcontent area. I would like to remove the "Home" in my content but that appears to be set in stone.

I have tried to remove the Page title and that works - "Home" no longer shows up in the page content area but it also stops showing the "Home" in the menu bar.

Is there a way to achieve this? Basic instructions would be appreciated.

Thank you,

adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
Could you please supply a screen shot or a link to better clarify what you want to achieve?
nwmfgtech replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Adajad,

Here is link to the screenshot (side note: theme is called "Minified")

adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
I would guess the theme developer has hardcoded the headings and pull them from the page title. Since it is a bought theme I don't have access to the source. My suggestion is you post in the themes support forum to get help from the theme designer.
nwmfgtech replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply

Edited this file:

Edited this line:
<h1><?php  echo $pageTitle?></h1>

<h1><?php  #echo $pageTitle?></h1>

Thank you.
adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
Pretty much what I said then (theme developer has hardcoded the headings and pulled them from the page title). :D

Good you found it.