Remove Website Title with Dark Chocolate Theme

I want to remove the website title that is at the top of my website. I am using the dark chocolate theme.

This is my website:

How do I remove the website title located at the top?

wagdi replied on at Permalink Reply
I have already answered this question in your previous post here-

" Check this 'How-To' by Franz Maruna- "

If that didn't help; try this one-

Its worth checking the 'How- To' section-
Ekko replied on at Permalink Reply 7 Attachments
In Dark Choclate the title is tied to site name which can be accesed through systems and settings and left blank. However you dont want to do it that way because it will remove your site name from page titles copyright etc, so you are going to have to get around it.

To start go to dashboard and go to stacks, add a stack call it eraser or something you can remember. Now add a content block to that stack but dont write anything in it. Approve changes. Now click the content block in the stack and select custom template. In the custom template "block name" field you are going to write My_Site_Name underscores and capitalization are important. Save, approve changes and now you have essentially "skinned" the logo area with a template of nothing, making the area dissappear.

Screen Shots of process attached.

For your issue with the footer floating mid page I suggest downloading the spacer add-on here and add some pixels. Alternatively click on the block that has forum and wiki and than select design, go over to the spacing options and add some to the bottom. Putting the number 200 is equal to 200 pixels.
Danielzxzx replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks so much! But there is still a line at the top. How do i remove that as well?
Ekko replied on at Permalink Reply
Danielzxzx replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you very much. That worked.
Ekko replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeah I didnt want to alter the theme in case it affected anything else, but image switch works. The css is below and I checked to ensure it wouldnt affect anything but that line.

Happy minecrafting :)
Ekko replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Actually scratch what I just said, instead go to dashboard, themes, and than click customize on dark choclate. Go to "add your css" and add this

#page #header {visibility:hidden;}

and press okay, save etc.

Screenshot attached
Danielzxzx replied on at Permalink Reply
Oh well I did it the other way before you gave me the new way and the old way with the gif worked fine.
jmonroe replied on at Permalink Reply
Looking good so far. Just watch the background image is set to repeat...and so it will keep repeating the image all the way down your content. I set it on no-repeat in the css on firebug but it cuts off and then goes from black to white and all other content starts on a white background. If you don't have to use a background image, I wouldn't. You can call in images in your css and just use placement to put it where you want. You can do thing like margin-left: 100px; margin-top= 75px; etc to position your logo and other images using custom css coding. This will allow you to set a background color of black and it will repeat all the way down with your content.

Just a suggestion.
Danielzxzx replied on at Permalink Reply
I don't really know much about using css. Is there a way to just change the background color from white to black?
jmonroe replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
With CSS you can. You can add background-color = #000000; to the custom css and see if that works for you.
Danielzxzx replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok thanks it sort of worked. I had to use: background-color:#000000;

That worked so now I have a black background. Thank you for your help.

That is another problem I'm having. The webisite looks fine at 1080p but when I went to the website on a smaller monitor, it was not centered.

I tried using: background-position: center;
That sort of worked but if I was to resize my chrome windows up or down, it would mess up the buttons.

I then tried: background-position: top;
That fixed the problem with it resizing up and down if I was to resize to the chrome windows. However, now it is not centered on a smaller monitor.

What position should I use?
jmonroe replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeah...I was actually thinking and typing at the same time. It was late. I meant to say set background-color to equal a value of black. Glad you got it working.

Please remember, if my answer was helfpul, please mark it as so.
