Removing Date Stamps from Blog Posts II

This is a continuation of the post opened by liger123. I have a client who would like to use the blog-format for her news section, but as she won't be posting often, it could end up looking "old" or "stale". I followed the instructions to change "blog_entry.php" as posted, but I still get the "posted by admin on (date)" line. Here is the url, but as it is a building site, things could change...

Here is my current "blog_entry.php":
<?php  defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied."); ?>
<div class="pageSection">
   <?php  $ai = new Area('Blog Post Header'); $ai->display($c); ?>
<div class="pageSection">
   <h1><?php  echo $c->getCollectionName(); ?></h1>      
<div class="pageSection">
   <?php  $as = new Area('Main'); $as->display($c); ?>
<div class="pageSection">
   <?php  $a = new Area('Blog Post More'); $a->display($c); ?>
<div class="pageSection">
   <?php  $ai = new Area('Blog Post Footer'); $ai->display($c); ?>

Any suggestions on what I could chop out further? Or should I be editing a different file?

arlenesey replied on at Permalink Reply
I forgot to mention that the theme is the default Concrete5 theme (plain vanilla or something like that), that I have changed slightly.
malkau replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi there

I checked out your site (looks cool, BTW - I like the big photo backgrounds) but I could not find the blog/news area.

That said, from the code you posted above, it looks like the date/author part was already removed... so maybe you were looking at a cached copy of the page?

arlenesey replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks Malkau - In the end I decided to remove the Blog and just make a normal page - my client won't be updating the site regularly (2 times a year?). And yes, sometimes I forget to refresh! (good point)