Removing default p tag in editor

I have done this a whole bunch of times before without issue, just downloaded

Anyone know how to get rid of the default p tag? The way I used to use was to copy the editor_config out to root/blocks/content and add the forced_root_block: false, below the tinyMCE.init({ area and above the mode : "textareas", area.

The new concrete/blocks/content/editor_config file just has the following:

$textEditorOptions = array();
$textEditorOptions['width'] = '100%';
if(isset($theme) && is_object($theme)) {
   $textEditorOptions['content_css'] = $theme->getThemeEditorCSS();
$textEditorOptions = Loader::helper('tinymce')->getOptions($textEditorOptions);
?><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
tinyMCE.init(<?php echo Loader::helper('json')->encode($textEditorOptions); ?>);

Would I just add $textEditorOptions['forced_root_block'] = 'false', to the top?

planist1 replied on at Permalink Reply
hostco replied on at Permalink Reply

Use CSS to remove space from the p tag by targeting the area or the element.


.area p {margin:0}


<p class="blablabla"></p>
p.blablabla {margin:0}
planist1 replied on at Permalink Reply
So does that mean there is not a way to do through the tinymce settings?
planist1 replied on at Permalink Reply
I figured out a way to get this done without css,

But not sure how to get so that it doesn't get overridden during updates. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Here is how I got it to remove the default p tag,

1. edit concrete/core/helpers/tinymce.php

modify this:
$textEditorOptions = array(
         'mode' => 'textareas',
         'inlinepopups_skin' => 'concreteMCE',
         'theme_concrete_buttons2_add' => 'spellchecker',
         'browser_spellcheck' => true,
         'gecko_spellcheck' => true,
         'relative_urls' => false,
         'document_base_url' => BASE_URL . DIR_REL . '/',
         'convert_urls' => false,
         'entity_encoding' => 'raw',
         'editor_selector' => 'ccm-advanced-editor'

to this:
$textEditorOptions = array(
         'forced_root_block' => "p",
         'mode' => 'textareas',
         'inlinepopups_skin' => 'concreteMCE',
         'theme_concrete_buttons2_add' => 'spellchecker',
         'browser_spellcheck' => true,
         'gecko_spellcheck' => true,
         'relative_urls' => false,
         'document_base_url' => BASE_URL . DIR_REL . '/',
         'convert_urls' => false,
         'entity_encoding' => 'raw',
         'editor_selector' => 'ccm-advanced-editor'

then copy out the concrete/blocks/content folder out to root/blocks/content,

then modify root/blocks/content/editor_config.php and change

$textEditorOptions = array();
$textEditorOptions['width'] = '100%';
if(isset($theme) && is_object($theme)) {
   $textEditorOptions['content_css'] = $theme->getThemeEditorCSS();
$textEditorOptions = Loader::helper('tinymce')->getOptions($textEditorOptions);
?><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
tinyMCE.init(<?php echo Loader::helper('json')->encode($textEditorOptions); ?>);

to this

$textEditorOptions = array();
$textEditorOptions['width'] = '100%';
$textEditorOptions['forced_root_block'] = false;
if(isset($theme) && is_object($theme)) {
   $textEditorOptions['content_css'] = $theme->getThemeEditorCSS();
$textEditorOptions = Loader::helper('tinymce')->getOptions($textEditorOptions);
?><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
tinyMCE.init(<?php echo Loader::helper('json')->encode($textEditorOptions); ?>);

Again, I know this will be overridden when updates occur. Need to find a way so that would not be overridden.
hostco replied on at Permalink Reply
Use CSS. It will not get overridden with updates.

This is a much better way.
planist1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Here is how to do it without change of override as tested on C5631:

1. Copy concrete/core/blocks/content folder to root/blocks/content folder
2. Edit the root/blocks/content/editor_config.php from

$textEditorOptions = array();
$textEditorOptions['width'] = '100%';
if(isset($theme) && is_object($theme)) {
   $textEditorOptions['content_css'] = $theme->getThemeEditorCSS();
$textEditorOptions = Loader::helper('tinymce')->getOptions($textEditorOptions);
?><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
tinyMCE.init(<?php echo Loader::helper('json')->encode($textEditorOptions); ?>);


$textEditorOptions = array();
array_push($textEditorOptions,'forced_root_block');//add to array
$textEditorOptions['width'] = '100%';
$textEditorOptions['forced_root_block'] = false;//added
if(isset($theme) && is_object($theme)) {
   $textEditorOptions['content_css'] = $theme->getThemeEditorCSS();
$textEditorOptions = Loader::helper('tinymce')->getOptions($textEditorOptions);
?><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
tinyMCE.init(<?php echo Loader::helper('json')->encode($textEditorOptions); ?>);
keeasti replied on at Permalink Reply
That was helpful - thanks.
What I found in C5634 was that after adding your code, the Enter and Shift+Enter behaviour had changed to <br> and <p> respectively. In order to restore it, I added two more lines as follows to enable force_p_newlines:
$textEditorOptions = array();
array_push($textEditorOptions,'forced_root_block');//add to array
array_push($textEditorOptions,'force_p_newlines');//add to array
$textEditorOptions['width'] = '100%';
$textEditorOptions['forced_root_block'] = false;//added to prevent forced <p> tags being added
$textEditorOptions['force_p_newlines'] = true;//added to restore Enter & Shift+Enter behaviour to produce <p> and <br> respectively
if(isset($theme) && is_object($theme)) {
   $textEditorOptions['content_css'] = $theme->getThemeEditorCSS();
$textEditorOptions = Loader::helper('tinymce')->getOptions($textEditorOptions);
?><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
tinyMCE.init(<?php echo Loader::helper('json')->encode($textEditorOptions); ?>);

I am not sure why this was necessary since in previous Concrete versions, adding
'force_root_block' = false
didn't invert the Enter key function?

PS. Of course the two array_push lines could be rolled into one like so:
array_push($textEditorOptions,'forced_root_block','force_p_newlines');//add to array