Removing the border from the first footer/nav item

Hi there,

I know there are multiple posts on this subject, but I can't get any of the code to work in my situation and was wondering if someone would be able to assist? I simply want to remove the border from the first item in my footer:

Any help would be appreciated, thanks

planist1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Have use tried using a pseudo class?

border-left-width: 0;
celwell replied on at Permalink Reply
To add to that:
You can change the CSS by clicking on the block and choosing Design, then CSS tab, then add the code to Additional CSS.
crimsonnight replied on at Permalink Reply
I tried that, didn't seem to work - anywhere in particular I should try inserting the code? I tried the 'Additional CSS' as suggested below but no luck
celwell replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Ok, I was wrong about where to put the CSS code. Just add a block of type "HTML" to your page and put this is in it:

.footer-nav li:first-child
   border-left: 0 !important;
crimsonnight replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks you! So I know for the future, why was this the correct way to approach the situation as opposed to adding addition CSS through design, or directly modifying CSS files on the server? Cheers
celwell replied on at Permalink Reply
I think Additional CSS goes into the html element of the block's style attribute.

Directly modifying CSS files on the server is probably a little cleaner, but it would be overwritten if you upgraded the theme.

Actually, an even better way may have been to create a custom template for that block type, with just the css changed.