Reset my password on local?

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Well, this is pretty embarrassing. I'm working on my local computer (localhost and wamp) and I can't seem to get into my backend of Concrete5. My saved password apparently is incorrect and the reset password email won't work. Is there any other way to force a password reset?

Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
try this in phpadmin:

UPDATE  `DBNAME`.`Users` SET  `uPassword` = MD5(  'pass:salt' ) WHERE  `Users`.`uID` =1;

replace DBNAME with the db name, pass with what you want your pass to be, and salt with the salt in the /config/site.php
sarawackadoo replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry, this is kind of out of my comfort zone. Does this go under the SQL tab when you originally select the database?
jbx replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, exactly correct...
TechBlessings replied on at Permalink Reply
I created the Concrete5 Emergency Administrator tool for this exact problem. You can read all about it and download this free tool at

Let me know if this works or if you need any more help.

AccountDisabled replied on at Permalink Reply
Concrete5 Instant Admin at is also a good option for staying in the comfort zone. :D