Reset WebSite
Hi, I did a wrong thing just a few minutes ago and now i cannot login.
How can i reset this?
Ps:i cannot login as admin.
I'm in hurry can you help me immediately?
How can i reset this?
Ps:i cannot login as admin.
I'm in hurry can you help me immediately?

Depends on what you did to break it? a little more info would be useful.
i was trying to add some questions for registration, some of them was marked as required on registration. i saved changes and log out for check is it working or not.
After that i tried log in as admin but i saw that questions. i wrote answers but it didn't work. it says you must enter this areas.
so now i cannot access control panel how i can get back theese changings?
After that i tried log in as admin but i saw that questions. i wrote answers but it didn't work. it says you must enter this areas.
so now i cannot access control panel how i can get back theese changings?
The only way I can think of is to edit the AttributeKeys table in the database and delete the questions!
Maybe someone else will be able to suggest an easier method?
Maybe someone else will be able to suggest an easier method?
my problem is i cannot access database when i try login as admin that page will appear which i have said. how can i delete this questions without access database or is there any way reset website at somewhere else? my registration page is here.
i have issue with "Eskişehire Varış Tarih ve Saatiniz?" and "Eskişehirden Ayrılış Tarih ve Saatiniz?" how can i fix this?
i have issue with "Eskişehire Varış Tarih ve Saatiniz?" and "Eskişehirden Ayrılış Tarih ve Saatiniz?" how can i fix this?